Additional News

Food Pantry:  Just a reminder that the first Sunday of each month is food Sunday.   It has recently been brought to our attention that the Ontario Food Pantry is now serving double the number of families as last year at this time.  Please remember this need in our own community and do a little extra shopping if you can.  Feel free to take one of the 15 Hands4NY bags and fill it up with items that are needed.  It would be great to see that all 15 bags are used continuously.  The food we send to the Ontario Food Pantry will be included in the Hands4NY “Feed a Million” campaign.   Please note that baby items have been added to the list below.

  • Canned meats – Spam, tuna, ham, turkey, chicken, potted meat
  • Peanut Butter
  • Jelly
  • Cereal***
  • Canned Fruit – assorted
  • Canned Veggies – assorted
  • Baked Beans
  • Macaroni & Cheese
  • Soups – all kinds
  • Rice
  • Boxed Potatoes – all varieties***
  • Pasta
  • Pasta Sauce
  • Toilet Paper
  • Bar Soap***
  • Baby Items – Baby Wipes, Baby Food, Diapers, etc.

***The Food Pantry is always in need of these items.

Thank you for your support!!